Iubirea trece peste tot...dar nu e oarba!

Viata iti poate fi schimbata in cateva ore de oameni care nu te cunosc. Din pacate schimbarile sunt negative in mare parte. De ce?!

E mult mai usor sa faci rau decat bine si asta poate fi observat la tot pasul. De cele mai multe ori negam faptul ca dam peste astfel de oameni, din dorinta de a fi inconjurati de momente placute. Inevitabil insa ne trezim ca facem parte dintr-un peisaj dezolant. O sceneta in urma careia, tu, un spimplu spectator, esti pur si simplu tarat sa joci. Probabil acest lucru il face pe cel ce stie piesa sa se simta puternic si important. La sfarsit iti dai seama ca tu nu vroiai sa faci parte din grupul celor de pe scena. Dar viata merge mai departe si ,'tu', cu siguranta inveti ceva din cele intamplate.

Daca nu poti sa te feresti de aceasta etapa, poti multumi lui Dumnezeu ca nu faci parte dintre acei oameni, pentru ca tu iubesti si esti iubit.
Nu te abate din drumul tau!!

Your life can be changed within hours by people who don't know you. Unfortunately the changes are mostly negative. Why?

It's easier to do harm than good and that it can be seen everywhere. Most times we deny that we meet people like that,because we want to be surrounded by pleasant moments. But inevitably we find ourselves as part of a desolate landscape. A sketch after which, you, a simple bystander , are dragged to play. Perhaps this situation is the one who makes him feel powerful and important. In the end you realize that you didn't want to take part of this group . But life goes on, and 'you' certainly learned something from what happened.

If you can not stay out of this stage, you can thank God that you are not like them because you love and you are loved.
Do not deviate from your way!